Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thanksgiving... Readers' Choice

So I have never made a turkey, dressing or the fixins for a Big Family Thanksgiving Dinner. We are always shuttling to and fro between families for big meal after big meal, where others cook. Some days I just wish holidays weren't so hectic for us. When do you get to the point where the meal is at your house and folks just come to you for a change? Anyways... even though I won't be putting these in to use for my own family Thanksgiving, I want to know your thoughts/recipes on what your favorite family dish is you make or partake of at Thanksgiving. Post your recipes on this blog's comment section so everyone can see. Thanks!


  1. Carrie, I wonder the same thing. Both Josh and I have divorced parents, so we have a minimum of 4 families begging for us. It's so hectic and I'm already stressing out over it! Sometimes I wish I could just say if you want to see us come to our house, but I know that we wouldn't get to see everyone. It's so hard.
