Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How do we do it?

Ok friends, family and strangers who may or may not see this blog... I am writing this online journal of my everyday adventures of cooking. I am a wife, a mom and a preschool teacher. I stay plenty busy but I find that I enjoy a home cooked meal to eating out (plus my wallet does to), so how do we manage to come up with meals? Grocery shop? Find new recipes that our family will actually eat? And do it all without setting off the smoke alarm or breaking the bank?
Answer: trial and error

I am not a chef or a caterer or even that special of a home cook. I am just a mom that enjoys cooking and trying new things. I love food that is easy, tasty and budget friendly. This blog is meant to help other moms find recipes that I have tried and give the thumbs up on, share ideas and incorporate kids in the kitchen. I hope you will feel free to post your tried and true tips and recipes so we don't just have the same routine week after week of the same old boring meals. I plan to update this weekly but I will post before that for this first week.

I hope you will join me in this journey as I learn how to be a better cook for my family. I know I have a lot to learn from some of you more "seasoned" chefs!


  1. This week I learned that you can brown ground beef, turkey, or sausage in the crockpot! Call me lazy or paranoid, but I hate browning meat, especially with a curious 2 year old around! I've got a medium crock pot I just add the meat and about 1 cup of water, put it on low for all day or high for it to be done in a few hours. Stir it every so often and it's done. Another tip is to add your seasoning to it at the sane time. I made taco meat this week and it was so yummy!

  2. I do my chicken that way - stick it in frozen - add taco seasoning - water - and a Tbsp of oil, let it cook all day on low and then shred with a couple forks! Great for enchiladas, empanadas, burritos... endless Mexican goodness. Thanks for sharing Brooke!
