Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Play Dough

Being a preschool teacher I make a lot of playdough. I make a new color of playdough each month to reinforce our color of the month and to get our little hands moving and creating. This month's color is Brown - not a very appealing playdough color since it looks more like we are playing with poo. Since it is near Thanksgiving I also add a scent to the playdough - "pumpkin spice". (Bet you never thought "poo" smelled so good).

Anyways for my first official post I wanted to share this recipe since I've made it a billion times:

Kid's Playdough
2 cups of flour
2 cups of water
1 cup of salt
4 tsp cream of tartar
2 Tbs veg oil
food coloring

Mix all of the ingredients on medium heat in a large non stick pot until the mixture forms a ball and pulls away from the sides. In other words it looks like playdough. Transfer dough to plastic wrap, seal and let cool. DO NOT EAT - although it won't harm you if ingested, it will just taste bad.

Another great idea for this - I keep a drawer in the kitchen just for my child full of miscellaneous kitchen items I no longer use and a ziploc of playdough. While I am cooking she gets out her playdough and "tools" and then she pretends to cook and create while I am working on supper. We get to spend time together while I get the meal ready and between tasks I sit and "taste" her creations.

FYI - Ella B gave me this recipe years ago! Thanks Ella.

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